To really understand this post you're probably going to have to read this post first. If you don't want to read it, I don't blame you. It's kind of long and boring. It basically outlines what the Republicans think is wasteful in the new stimulus plan issued by our new president, old what's his name. (kidding) I don't really consider myself a Democrat or a Republican. Some of this makes sense, some of it doesn't. Here's what I think(like you care).
- $246 million dollar "tax break" for Hollywood producers for motion picture film - Really? You have go to be fucking kidding me. Why should the government care about this or get involved? It's probably just going to people that make porn anyways..
- $88 million for the Coast Guard to design a new Ice Cutter - Ummm, aren't the polar ice caps melting? WTF do we need a boat that's designed to cut through ice for it there won't be any fucking ice left?!?! Does anyone else see how dumb this is? Am I the only person that's sane?
- $448 million for a new building/HQ for The Dept. of Homeland security. I don't really have a problem with that, expensive building, but kind of important. However, $248 million to furnish said building is ludicrous. That's a lot of lay-z-boys if you ask me.
- $600 million to buy hybrid vehicles for federal employees - Hybrid vehicles are a sham. Look it up. The impact on the environment to create these vehicles is horrendous, not to mention what happens when you have to dispose of the batteries. Bio-Diesel and Clean Diesel are the way of the future, we just need someone to kill this Ethanol BS for this to set in and become a reality.
- $400 for the CDC to screen and prevent STDs - I don't think tax dollars should rescue for being a dirty bird and getting herpes, the clap, etc. AIDs and HIV are one thing, but herpes and everything else? How bout we try to cure cancer, people.
- $125 million for Washington DC sewer system - that should be paid by local government and taxes, not the federal government and the rest of us. That's Garbage.
-$200 million for public computers at community colleges - No. I shouldn't have to pay for you to use a computer, just like you shouldn't have to pay me to do the same. And secondly, if you want free access to a computer go to the library. College facilities should only be open to people that pay tuition, faculty and staff.
-$25 million for Tribal alcohol and drug abuse reduction - You're "sovereign". Deal with it.
-$10 million to inspect canals in urban areas - what canals?
-$1.2 BILLION for summer youth and job programs - I get it, get them off the street, keep them out of trouble and stop them from making bastard children that the welfare system will have to support for 18+ years. I understand that, but aren't we just creating more soon to be defunct government subsidized organizations?
- $850 million for Amtrak - For what?! See the above for my view on supporting defunct organizations that should be left to fail. Amtrak is a joke and it's a money pit. Let it die.
If you've done you're math, and assuming I've done mine correctly that 4.44 Billion (with a B) that's being spent on just those thing I listed above. That's a lot of money down the toilet if you ask me. I know it's not much when you consider that the stimulus package is around $900 billion. But if there is stuff like this in there, it makes me wonder where the rest of the money is going? How are my future tax dollars being spent? How does this benefit me or my country? I guess I just don't get it. Printing more money just to throw it all away. Auto and Bank bailouts, Stimulus plan, etc. It's all the same to me, waste.
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